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About BookRags

BookRags was founded in 1999 with the aim of providing on-demand educational resources to students globally. It started with just 40 book notes and has since grown into one of the largest and most respected student education websites, boasting over 4 million unique pages of content. The goal of BookRags is to be a comprehensive research location for students of any age. It covers a wide range of topics in depth, offering resources including encyclopedia articles, critical essays, student essays, biographies, primary sources, interviews, and study guides. In addition to this, BookRags offers subscription and purchase options for their services. It's worth noting that BookRags is a legitimate site, providing summaries, homework help, and more. It's not a "cheating" website for students, but rather a valuable resource for educational support.

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BookRags Customer Reviews (16)

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Callum Robertson
Callum Robertson
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Outstanding content

The summaries, character details, annotations and all the articles created by students are incredibly useful resources that make acing tests and writing essays way simpler. The info is so comprehensive yet still easy to read.

Jun 19, 2023
Andrew Potts
Andrew Potts
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Absolute goldmine!

The study guides have got to be some of the best out there for students. They break down chapters, explain difficult concepts, and provide sample test questions so that you know exactly what to focus your studying on.

Jun 18, 2023
Dirk Kohler
Dirk Kohler
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Character bios on fleek

The character analyses provide all the crucial details about major and minor characters including appearance, motivations, role in the plot, symbols and more. These brief biographies are fire.

Jun 16, 2023
Thomas Miller
Thomas Miller
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Genius literature summary and guides

The summaries capture the essence of works while highlighting vital themes and plot points, and the study guides provide a roadmap for understanding the texts. They're exactly what students need.

Jun 16, 2023
Bertha Moore
Bertha Moore
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Saved my grade

The critical essays and papers written by other students really saved my skin this semester. I was totally stuck on how to structure my essay but seeing examples written by others helped me organize my thoughts and nail the assignment.

Jun 14, 2023
Nolan Cooper
Nolan Cooper
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Super helpful homework solutions

The solutions and step-by-step walkthroughs for assignments are extremely valuable. They've helped me gain a fuller grasp of concepts am having trouble with, ensuring my assignments are accurate and on point.

Jun 13, 2023
Mary Seaver
Mary Seaver
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The summaries they have for books are extremely helpful

They condense the major themes and plots into concise explanations that help me grasp the major ideas without having to read the whole book.

Jun 12, 2023
Kevin Rodgers
Kevin Rodgers
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Feb 15, 2023
Felipe Cavalcanti
Felipe Cavalcanti
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Feb 15, 2023
Jérôme van der Heiden
Jérôme van der Heiden
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Feb 14, 2023

BookRags Customer’s Q&A

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What are some of the popular books on BookRags?

Here are some of the popular books on BookRags:

  • The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
  • The Black Flower: A Novel of the Civil War by Howard Bahr
  • The Girl With the White Flag by Tomiko Higa
  • The Pale King by David Foster Wallace
  • The Paris Wife: A Novel by Paula McLain
  • The Imperfectionists: A Novel by Tom Rachman

These books have study guides and teaching resources available on the site. They cover a wide range of genres and themes, providing comprehensive study materials for readers and educators.


How much does it cost to subscribe to BookRags?

The BookRags offers different subscription options. The Monthly Study Pack Subscription costs $19.99 per month, while the Annual Study Pack Subscription is priced at $99.99 per year. They also offer the Monthly Total BookRags Subscription for $24.99 per month and the Annual Total BookRags Subscription for $199.99 per year. Please note that these prices are subject to change and it's always best to check the official website for the most current information.


Can I use BookRags for free?

BookRags offers both free and paid services. While some resources on the site might be available for free, certain features may require a paid subscription. Please visit the BookRags website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.


About bookrags.com Prices and Cost?

BookRags offers two types of subscriptions. The Monthly Study Pack Subscription costs $19.99 and is billed monthly until cancelled. This subscription gives you full access to BookRags Study Packs on a monthly basis, including all study guides, essays, biographies, research articles, and more. The Annual Study Pack Subscription costs $99.99 and is billed annually until cancelled. In addition to the Study Pack subscriptions, BookRags also offers Total BookRags Subscriptions. The Monthly Total BookRags Subscription costs $24.99 and is billed monthly until cancelled. The Annual Total BookRags Subscription costs $199.99 and is billed annually until cancelled.


What is included in the Total BookRags Subscription?

The Total BookRags Subscription includes instant access to premium study guides, lesson plans, book summaries, biographies, quotes, essays, encyclopedias, and online educational resources. It also gives you access to Break It Down Lesson Plans that will save you time and make organizing your classes easy. Plus, you'll get unlimited access to all other BookRags study packs as well. This subscription includes all study guides, essays, biographies, research articles, and more! The subscription is billed monthly until cancelled for $24.99 or annually until cancelled for $199.99.


About bookrags.com Popular Products and Services?

BookRags is a legitimate educational resource site that was founded in 1999. It started with just 40 book notes and has expanded into one of the largest student education websites, with over 4 million unique pages of content. The goal of BookRags is to be a complete research location for students of any age. The site provides on-demand educational resources to students around the world. Some of the popular products and services offered by BookRags include summaries, homework help, literature lesson plans, character analysis, and more. It's a sort of Cliffs Notes site but you pay for it. The site is often used by students who need detailed chapter-wise summaries of works by various authors. However, it's worth noting that some users find the subscription fee of $20 per month a bit steep, considering that most of the information can be found online for free.


What are some alternatives to BookRags?

Here are some alternatives to BookRags:

  • Littler Books: This is a popular web-based, Windows, Android, and Mac alternative to BookRags. It summarizes top nonfiction books into their essential ideas concisely and comprehensively. It supports dark mode for comfortable usage in low light conditions and can be used without the need to connect to the internet.

  • Blinkist: This is a SaaS alternative to BookRags. Blinkist connects people with powerful ideas from the world’s leading thinkers to help them grow their knowledge, broaden their perspectives, make better decisions, and thrive in all areas of life.

  • Four Minute Books: This online platform brings passionate readers and book nerds 4-minute book summaries of the world's best non-fiction books. They're short on time, but big on learning.

  • Sipreads: Sipreads focuses on making takeaways from the best non-fiction books useful, actionable, and easy to read.

  • SparkNotes: Sparknotes provides summaries and analyses of novels, plays, literature, poetry, history, film, and philosophy. It has expanded to provide study guides for a number of other subjects, including biology, chemistry, economics, health, math, physics, and sociology.


How do I sign up for BookRags?

To sign up for BookRags, you need to fill out a registration form. The required fields include your First Name, Last Name, Email, and Password. You will need to retype your email and password for confirmation. You also have the option to indicate whether you're a student or a teacher. By proceeding, you agree to BookRags' Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. After filling out these details, you should be able to create your account.


Can you give me an example of a book summary on BookRags?

Sure, here's an example of a book summary from BookRags for the book "Yellowface" by R.F. Kuang. The novel is written from the first person point of view of the protagonist, June Hayward. The story is about June's journey to become a writer, despite the lack of support from her family. During her freshman year at Yale University, she meets a girl named Athena Liu, who becomes a significant person in her life. However, their friendship takes a turn when Athena uses June's personal experience of sexual assault in a short story she published. Years later, after Athena's sudden death, June steals Athena's manuscript about the Chinese Labour Corps during World War I and makes edits to it, convincing herself that the pages are as much hers as they are Athena's. This summary provides a comprehensive understanding of the book, including plot summary, character descriptions, themes, and motifs.


About bookrags.com Payment Method?

BookRags.com offers a variety of payment methods for their services. You can make payments using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal. When you choose a subscription or purchase option, you will be directed to enter your payment method details. Please ensure that you have entered the correct information to avoid any issues with your transaction. If you are a new user, you will need to register first before proceeding with the payment. If you are a registered user, you can simply sign in and continue with the payment process. Remember, the payment method you choose should be one that you often use for online transactions. This is to ensure that your transaction is secure and successful.

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